Pixelata, Urban street art mural made in Fuenlabrada with recycled beverage cans

PIXELATA, sustainable and participatory art

This is a Recycled Art installation, made with the pixelation technique, painting on recycled beverage cans (pixelata), developing a 190 x 535 cm canvas. and being necessary 3,000 recycled cans for its realization, the same ones that are consumed in Spain every 10 seconds.
The reason for working on this material is due to the infinite recycling capacity that an aluminum can has, being an excellent example to transform the concept of garbage into a valuable resource and understand concepts such as recycling and the circular economy.
The piece is totally sustainable and recyclable. The day it was decided to remove it, it would only be necessary to melt it to get 50 kg of aluminum. This piece has been possible thanks to the participation of many residents of the Madrid neighborhood of Carabanchel in recycling the 3,000 cans needed.
Pixelata, Urban street art mural made in Fuenlabrada with recycled beverage cans


For most of us, a chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) is still a monkey, an animal much less evolved than a human being and very different from us intellectually, emotionally, anatomically and spiritually.
The Chimpanzee lives in harmony and intimately connected with the rest of the living creatures in the natural ecosystem where it lives, living in balance and allowing the ecosystem to be sustainable in the long term.
The human being (Homo sapiens) seems to function in the opposite way to the Chimpanzee, living disconnected from nature, on which he depends for his survival. The Planet and the rest of the living beings that inhabit it seem to be at their disposal, following a model of life that has also become unsustainable, conditioning their own survival as a species.
Humans share 99% of their genes with chimpanzees. Being so close... how can we live so differently?
Perhaps the time has come to become aware, reconnect with who we really are and start thinking about a way of life in harmony with nature.

Pixelata, Urban street art mural made in Fuenlabrada with recycled beverage cans

Pixelata, Urban street art mural made in Fuenlabrada with recycled beverage cans

Pixelata, Urban street art mural made in Fuenlabrada with recycled beverage cans

Pixelata, Urban street art mural made in Fuenlabrada with recycled beverage cans
