Work in progress

"Transformation" It is an installation inspired by water, both in its undulating form, a feature belonging to its most intimate essentiality, as in its infinite cycle, through which, water is recycled in a continuous way.
The construction material it was based on a simple beverage can scrapped , a true engineering work made entirely of aluminum, a single-use element consumed massively on a global scale, giving it a new meaning through its reconfiguration in an artistic work. For its realization, a spinning technique was developed, which allowed to create a continuous textile sheet, with optimal aesthetic and physical properties, extreme lightness and a unique capacity for flexibility and adaptation to space. Due to the metallic nature of the cans threads created, they offered the opportunity to work the color by means of a baked powder painting technique, a clean, economical and durable process. A part of the cans threads has been kept with the original colors, in order to create a color gradation in the spinning process. The result is an extremely simple piece that relates to the entire envelope space. The dimensions and its final shape were conceived for the auditorium of the Canal Foundation, a very suggestive space, with a depth of 35m and a lighting walkway, located 7m high, with optimal characteristics to carry out the air suspension of it. For the realization of the project, it has been necessary to have the collaboration of a good number of residents of the ISO Polygon of the Carabanchel neighborhood in Madrid, who have recycled the 7,000 cans necessary to complete the piece, the same number of beverage cans that are consumed in Spain every 30 seconds. The main objective of the piece is to sensitize the perception of the viewer, transforming the concept of garbage, into a resource of great value such as aluminum, recyclable to infinity. This installation is presented within the framework of the COP25, Madrid climate change conference, and completes the series of interventions inspired by water, carried out by photoAlquimia studio throughout the year 2019 at the headquarters of Fundación Canal, to commemorate its 18th anniversary