Pixelata, Urban street art mural made in Carabanchel with recycled beverage cans

PIXELATA, sustainable and participatory art

The piece proposed for the project "Carabanchel Creativa" of the City Lab of the IED (Istituto Europeo di Design) and the Madrid City Council was a Street Art installation, made with the pixelation technique, in grayscale, black and white (10 colors) , developing an approximate canvas of 200 x 600 cm. using 3,000 recycled cans, the same ones that are consumed in Spain every 10 seconds. The mural is inspired by a well-known portrait of the artist Salvador Dalí and focuses on the expression of his gaze, as an iconic image of art, recognizable practically by most people.
The reason for working on this material is due to the infinite recycling capacity that an aluminum can has, being an excellent example to transform the concept of garbage into a valuable resource and understand concepts such as recycling and the circular economy. In fact, this piece could not have been made without the participation of many residents who for a month were recycling their cans and taking them to different collection points in the Carabanchel neighborhood.
The mural was permanently installed on the façade of "Matilda", a well-known venue for musical rehearsal rooms at Polígono ISO in the Carabanchel neighborhood.

PIXELATA Carabanchel Creativa from photoAlquimia on Vimeo.


Collecting cans from neighbors



Washing and treatment of cans

Pixelata, Urban street art mural made in Carabanchel with recycled beverage cans

Pixelata, Urban street art mural made in Carabanchel with recycled beverage cans


Priming, painting and assembly of modules

Pixelata, Urban street art mural made in Carabanchel with recycled beverage cans

Pixelata, Urban street art mural made in Carabanchel with recycled beverage cans

Pixelata, Urban street art mural made in Carabanchel with recycled beverage cans


Facade installation

Pixelata, Urban street art mural made in Carabanchel with recycled beverage cans

Pixelata, Urban street art mural made in Carabanchel with recycled beverage cans

Pixelata, Urban street art mural made in Carabanchel with recycled beverage cans

Pixelata, Urban street art mural made in Carabanchel with recycled beverage cans

Pixelata, Urban street art mural made in Carabanchel with recycled beverage cans

Pixelata, Urban street art mural made in Carabanchel with recycled beverage cans

Pixelata, Urban street art mural made in Carabanchel with recycled beverage cans

Pixelata, Urban street art mural made in Carabanchel with recycled beverage cans

Pixelata, Urban street art mural made in Carabanchel with recycled beverage cans

Pixelata, Urban street art mural made in Carabanchel with recycled beverage cans

Pixelata, Urban street art mural made in Carabanchel with recycled beverage cans
